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What's New--Sebasticook Riding Club Horse Show
Too Much (Just More Moolah, Quarter Horse mare) went to her second horse show at in Clinton in early September. Her halter class went well, she hardly fidgeted at all, but she broke square while the judge was looking at her, so she didn't place. But I was proud of her all the same since it was a feild of about 15-18 horses and she behaved, that was good enough for me. In her Walk-Trot class, she was a little less composed, excited and pulling on the bit, but she place sixth anyway

FoxFire Farm Fall Show
Dakota (Summer Fever, American Saddlebred) and I attended Fox Fire Farm's fall horse show on September 26. Costume class was a hoot, and we got sixth out of 8 with a Pony Express Costume that was really only a pair of saddle bags, dusty flannel shirt and jeans, a few envelopes and a squirt gun! We took third in parade class, and sixth in both Western Equitation and Western Pleasure. He placed so low in Eq. and Pleasure because he kept slipping out of lope and into a rack (his natural gate for that speed), but I was thrilled that he even loped at all! He usually doesn't want to even trot, but as soon as he stepped off the trailer and saw all the pretty girlie horses, he was raring to go for the rest of the day! All in all it was a lot of fun and he hasn't shown any signs of lameness from his mild case of Navicular Disease. His supplements are really doing the trick!
Deseo Farm Fall Walk/Trot Horse Show
On October 2nd, 1999, Summer Fever (Dakota), Patches, a neighbor who has been learning to ride patches, and I went to Deseo Farm's Fall Walk/Trot Show. This was the first show Patches has ever been to, as well as his rider's first. Big Deal, right? Well, I think it is an EXTREMELY big deal since Patches is 35 years old and his rider has only been riding for 2 months. What makes this even better is that they did very well, they got 1st in Carrot Race, 2nd in Teddy Bear Rescue, and 4th in Costume Class. Dakota and I did well too, 1st in Parade Class, 1st in Western Equitation, 2nd in Western Pleasure, 1st in Costume Class, and 3rd in Carrot Race. We also got the High Point Reserve Champion award for my age group.