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My Animals
On this page, you will find pictures of my favorite people-ANIMALS!

My Quarter Horse mare is the #1 light of my life. She began her AQHA show career in 2000 and although she had to take the 2001 season off due to an injury, we are hoping she will at least be able to come back to the show arena for some showmanship in 2002.

Just More Moolah: American Quarter Horse

Gotta Love The Snow!

This is my mare, Just More Moolah. Although her future show career will depend on how well she heals from injuries to both of her deep flexor tendons in the front legs, we are hoping she will be a success at her next job-Mommy. Look for photos of her first foal on this site in March or April, 2003.
Here she is just 5 minutes after her first trailer ride...
...the one that brought her here. She had NEVER been off the farm she was born on when I bought her at 4 years old. After what should have been a rather stressful ride, she walked off the trailer without the slightest sign of nervousness. A good early indicator of her level-headedness.

Heeeere's Patches!

This is Patches. Patches became my first pony 11 years ago, at 26. Picture here in 2001,(at 36 years old) all dressed up and ready to practice for his show-driving debut!
Gretchen the Wonder-Dobe!
Meet my dog, Gretchen. Pictured here performing her favorite duty, Secret Canine Agent in charge of Equine Activities! (aka, spying on the horses) She loves nothing better than to sound the alarm when they are doing something she doesn't approve of. Mostly, running around and having fun without her!

Gretchen's First Christmas at Home, 1998